This site is 100% independent of Costco Wholesale Corporation, and is written by a group of Costco wine fans looking to try new wines and share our favorites with this community. All reviews are written at the discretion of the individual reviewer. Opinions of the reviewer do not necessarily reflect those of as a whole, and reviewers are not paid for their reviews by wineries or their affiliated distributors.
We at believe that wine preferences and opinions are often subjective and highly individualistic. Our scores are based on our individual perception of a wine and how well it reflects the area in which the grapes are grown, the expression of the grapes, and also the quality of the finished product.
We buy almost all of the wine we review ourselves except where noted. Almost all of these purchases are made at stores in and around the Atlanta, GA area. Sometimes we receive samples for review and these will always be clearly marked as such, and in many, but not all cases, this allows us to share the location of Costco stores where those wines can be found. This enables us to cover a larger selection of wines than what is available to us at our local Costco stores.
Submitting wine for review
If you are a winery or represent wines that are sold in Costco and you would like to submit sample bottles for review, please contact us. You must include the price at Costco, the geographic area where the wines are distributed in Costco and the Costco item number. Note that we never guarantee the publication of content around submitted products, and retain the right of ownership of those products even if we do not include them in the website. Products will not be sent back. The editorial staff will review submitted products and may write about those that we deem to be a good fit for our audience.