I love exploring the sparkling wines at Costco, and although we find it hard not to enjoy the Kirkland Signature Prosecco for only $6.99, I was interested in this one that I came across, that was slightly more expensive at $10. How would it compare to the lower priced Kirkland bottle?
One difference is the quality designation. The Kirkland Prosecco is a DOCG wine, which is the highest quality designation that a Prosecco can have because it’s both controlled (controllata) and guaranteed (guarantita). There are very few Proseccos for $7 like this that I’ve seen with the DOCG designation.

This Masottina Prosecco is a DOC Prosecco. The difference is that a DOCG Prosecco has been approved by a tasting panel, and therefore the wine is guaranteed to taste as it should.
Does this really matter and is it a good barometer of quality? Not really in my opinion, but it can be used lightly. The Masottina Prosecco may only be a DOC but it’s drinking right alongside, if not better than its Kirkland counterpart.
They are similar in their flavors of green apple, and subtle citrus fruit, both light, crisp and fruity. The Masottina Prosecco is a touch drier throughout and had more pear and lemon notes. You really can’t go wrong with either wine. I’d pick the Kirkland as a mixer for Mimosas as Erin referenced in her review and use the Masottina for drinking straight with friends on its own before a meal.
I’m going to rate the Masottina exactly the same as we did on the Kirkland at 87 points (the KS bottle gets a bonus because of its ridiculously low price). But if I had to choose one of them and they were both priced the same at $7, I’d choose the Masottina. Let us know in the comments below and over on the Forums if you agree/disagree.
CostcoWineBlog.com Rating: 87 points
Costco item number: 1295702
Purchased at Costco in: Atlanta, GA
Alc. 11%
Eric Karaffa says
I believe the KS is an Extra Dry, which tends to be a bit too sweet for me. Is the Masottina an Extra Dry or Brut?
Editor says
The Masottina is a brut, I would say it is a touch drier than the KS Prosecco, so it might be a good one for you to try.
Daniel Johnston says
Bought a bottle last week, WOW. One of the best quality proseccos I’ve tasted before. Most are not memorable. Going back to grab a case.