The Sparrow Hawk doesn't actually exist. In the U.S. it is a misnomer for the sharp-shinned hawk, although it might also be used to refer to a kestral or a Cooper’s hawk. In sharp contrast to misnamed birding designations, 2012 Sparrow Hawk Reserve Chardonnay actually does exist and is being sold at Costco for $12.99.
At this $13 price point, Sparrow Hawk offers a very good value. Even though it is a Sonoma- sourced wine, this is not a typical California butter-bomb. Instead it offers a crisp fruitiness with some apple and pear notes. It has a very nice finish – smooth but not too rich. The Costco wine buyers appear to have found a very nicely balanced chardonnay whose quality far exceeds its price point.
I sampled it over two days, with the second day shared among friends. It actually tasted just as good on its second day. It could pass for a decent $25 chardonnay, but now available at Costco for half that price. Worth a try.
-- Michael S
Rating: 90 (for value)
Price: $12.99
Purchased at Costco in: San Diego, California