We're seeing quite a few new vintages of Kirkland wines hitting stores right now and we're making our way through them as fast as we can to report our thoughts back to you.
This one is a very welcome sight. As regular readers will remember, the Kirkland Sancerre was introduced for the first time last year with the 2019 vintage, and we loved it, rating it 90 points. We were really hoping it wasn't a one and done offering, and thankfully with this bottle showing up, we know now that it is not.

A little bonus is a slight price reduction down to $14.99, from $15.99 last year. We'll always take that. $15.99 was more than fair. Our tasting notes are similar to the prior vintage, so we think that if you liked it before, you'll like this one as well.
The wine pours a medium yellow in the glass with a juicy nose of citrus fruit. The nose was a little more vibrant compared to how I remember the prior vintage. It's medium in body with good depth; flavors of peach, green apple, citrus fruit with a touch of oak; nice finish and just solid all around.
Sancerre is Sauvignon Blanc from France's Loire valley. Bottles from here consistently deliver, and rarely show up priced this low, so this bottle is fun Costco find.
After tasting, and before confirming my rating on the last vintage, I marked this one an 89, so that's what we're sticking with. One point down from last year, barely. Great juice.
CostcoWineBlog.com Rating: 89 points
Costco item number: 1476058
Purchased at Costco in: Atlanta, GA (Kennesaw)
Alc. 14%
Shawn says
I thought you might have shared this before but I can't find it. Do you have a spreadsheet that lists all of the Kirkland offerings? I thought you shared it with me before and I was thinking of starting my own ratings (no where NEAR as great as yours) but would love to start with something. If you don't have it or don't want to share, that is COMPLETELY understandable so don't worry. Just was asking. Keep up the great work!!
Editor says
Hi Shawn, my comprehensive Kirkland list can be found here: http://costcowineblog.com//the-definitive-guide-to-costcos-kirkland-signature-wines/
About half way down is a link to the PDF.
Given all these Kirkland bottles coming in the past month or so the story needs a refresher. Hope to get to that soon.
Glad you are enjoying the site. Cheers.
WineGuy says
@Shawn, Bought 6 bottles yesterday in Washington state.
Kathleen says
Great value. I really enjoy Sancerre and this hit the spot. Citrus and minerals. Picked up a few bottles.
JV says
Is there a way to find out if a Costco near me carries certain Kirkland Wines such as those in this blog? Alternatively, does Costco sell and ship wines? Thanks, JV
Editor says
As of right now, there's no way to tell outside of calling the store and asking for the wine by item number. There was an article in the Costco magazine mentioning a forthcoming system for looking at inventory online which would be awesome.
As far as shipping wines, I think Costco does ship in a few states, but not positive.
Henry says
Waiting to see this appear in the No. VA stores. Was just at Costco yesterday - no Kirkland Sancerre but did find a nice Albariño.
Editor says
Cool. What was the Albariño?
Henry says
@Editor, on the front label: 2020 Albariño D Fefinane, not much on the back label and what is there is in Spaish (other than the standard Government Warning language) and Rias Baixas, something like $17.99. I found it here https://www.astorwines.com/SearchResultsSingle.aspx?search=40001 (also have pictures if the link doesn't work).
Haven't opened them yet but they'll eventually make it up out of the cellar once the weather warms up a bit.
Michael says
I was in my local Costco and picked-up some as I liked the 2019. Glad this is about the same. I'm frustrated that this Costco is basically stuffed with NW and CA wines with very little from Europe and many of the wines you write about never appear. On this visit they had some good Bordeaux, but they were above my pay-grade!
We have not seen the Kirkland Rioja, Chianti Classico, or CDR for some time. The times of getting CVNE Riojas at bargain prices are long since gone. Over the last two years we briefly had the Kirkland Brunello and Barolo.
Maria Jette says
@Michael, where are you? It’s interesting to note which stores get what…and I mean food wise, as well as the wines!
jk says
the 2019 is now available at the Costco in Suzhou, China.
Maria Jette says
I’m having a sad moment here in Minneapolis with the bottle I picked up today…the CORKED bottle!
It’s been a long time since I had a corked bottle of anything, given the New Wine World Order of composite corks (presumably with any potential fungus steamed out of them), plastic corks, screw tops etc., but my luck has apparently run out at last.
You know that awful moment when you taste it and think, “Uh oh…”? Then you actually sniff the cork, and think “But is it?” And then you wait a minute, and try it again, and think, “Damn it,” but wonder if it’ll waft away after half a glass or so…and it just becomes more and more evident?
ALAS! I can’t even make myself finish this single glass.
Such an unnerving experience, every time— and I was hoping to grab a case of it, if I loved it, or just quite liked it (even though the 14% ABV was a bit surprising). Now it’s hard to let go of the thought of this corked bottle…I always wonder it it means a whole bag or box or crate of corks had the culprit microbe in it, but if so, whether it would all be in one shipment, or one box, or…???
S Bristol says
I bought several bottles when it became a available. I loved last year. I think this one I slightly better. If it’s still around buy some!
Nadia says
@S Bristol, May i ask which area you found it in?
S Bristol says
Found in Southern California. Good luck. It is delicious!
Nadia says
Recently found out about the Kirkland Sancerre on Tik Tok. And I looked my local Costco in So Cal and a friend checked another in the high desert area. No luck. Is it typically a limited offering??