Sokol Blosser makes some fantastic Pinot Noirs and I was completely caught off guard when I came across this Evolution red blend from them on the shelf at Costco. At $9.99 this was clearly the least expensive wine I have ever seen from them. I moved in timidly, not sure exactly what I was buying.
It turns out to be an average red blend, I'm guessing mostly Syrah based, but I'm not sure of the entire varietal makeup. The wine is super light, the body of a Pinot, with the flavor profile of a richer red; yet the flavor punch is still pretty subtle. A very simple wine that's hard to ding too much given the $9.99 price tag. I wouldn't want to pay much more, but if you are having a party or go three or four bottles deep with some friends, this is a juicy, fresh red one to throw into the mix.
I'm glad I know what it is now (kind of, non vintage). The packaging is great, and hey at $9.99 it's not a bad wine to having sitting around. There will be a good time for it. Wine Spectator gave it 90 points. I'm going a bit lower. Rating: 86 points
Costco item number: 31617
Purchased at Costco in: Atlanta, GA