Today, we're going to revisit an old Kirkland classic, the Ti Point Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand.
It's been four years since we last posted about this wine with the 2019 vintage. We enjoyed that bottle, rating it 87 points at the time. There were some rumors swirling that this wine was being discontinued but that fortunately doesn't seem to the case.

The price on the 2019 vintage was $6.99, which was actually down from a previous $7.99. Today we see this bottle in Costco stores, splitting the difference at $7.49.
That remains a great price and makes this a no brainer for fans of NZ Sauv Blancs, especially those who love Brancott, Nobilo or Kim Crawford. This will taste very familiar.
In the glass the wine is clear with a light yellow tint; tropical fruit on the nose; grassy, tangy and acidic as you would expect; citrusy flavors of green apple, grapefruit, stone fruit; zesty in the finish; nice package all around.
We're going to bump this one up to 88 points. It's a great Kirkland bottle at a pretty unbeatable price. If you want to spend just a few bucks more, the Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc we recently reviewed is also delicious.
CostcoWineBlog.com Rating: 88 points
Costco item number: 301904
Purchased at Costco in: Atlanta, GA (Alpharetta)
Alc. 12.5%
WABrit says
This is one of my favorite Costco wines, but what makes it an "88" vs an "87" from previous years? Can one really taste a 1 point difference? What makes a 90 point wine more expensive than a 88 point wine? The points system is ridiculous, in my opinion. Subjective descriptions with recommendations to buy or not are more suitable.
Max Weber says
Thank you for the review. I asked about it in August. Best regards.
jay says
Our price here at the Matthews NC Costco is the 2019 price of 6.99. Nothing major, but nice to see some prices go down.
Samantha says
This is my go to wine, I love NZ Sauvignon Blanc and this tops my list. They can’t discontinue it! 😂
Oddly enough, it’s only $6.99 here in Alaska.
I personally will take this wine over Oyster Bay, even if it were the same price. 😊
Craig Hill says
This has been our "go to" Sauvignon Blanc for years. Perfect for sipping on hot summer days and warm summer evenings.