We don't see too many Bordeaux blancs in the Costco wine aisles and it's too bad because they are really fun whites, usually inexpensive, and perfect when the weather is super hot like it is right now across much of the country.
Costco's price was $14.99, which seems pretty good since it looks to be going for around $18 elsewhere online. Wine Enthusiast and Wine Spectator both went 90 points too, which is nice to see, but a little generous here in our opinion.
That said, this is a tasty little white, pretty tangy and low alcohol (12%) for sipping all day.
It pours a pale yellow in the glass, citrus fruit and a little oak on the nose; medium bodied with flavors of lemon, orange and green apple; grassy and acidic with a nod towards New Zealand Sauvignon blancs.
This is a nice addition to the Costco wine aisles, and a summer treat. Once again, we are thrilled to see more and more interesting and different white wines appear at Costco. Chalk up another one here.
CostcoWineBlog.com Rating: 88 points
Costco item number: 1181780
Purchased at Costco in: Atlanta, GA (Kennesaw)
Alc. 12%