We heard about a week and a half ago that this popular Kirkland wine was hitting shelves, and we didn't see it on a prior trip the past weekend, but found it last night.
And it's one you need to grab when you can. It can disappear in days. And with good reason, because it's historically been a delicious wine at a really good price.

We're happy to report the same story once again with the new 2020 vintage. The price staying the same at $16.99 was a welcome sight. We're just waiting for this one to start creeping up.
It's the same label design and winemaker (Jeff McBride) as the previous two vintage of this bottle which debuted with the 2018 vintage back in April of 2021.
For each of the past two vintages, we've rated them 91 points with a Top Picks designation. You can read those here:
The wine tastes similar to the past vintages as well, especially after it gets a little airtime and opens up.
Deep ruby in the glass with a earthy cherry nose; vegetal notes with full body and good acidity; juicy red and dark fruit flavor; dark chocolate, dry and lasting in the finish. As we've said before, it's not your average Napa Cab.
We're stoked to see this back in stores at the same price and tasting as good as ever. If you've tasted and enjoyed this one before, stock up if you see it. If you're just now learning about it, keep an eye out and don't hesitate because this one moves fast.
We’ll be keeping our rating the same at 91 points, and will add this bottle to our Top Picks list. This is a reason to shop at Costco. Cheers.
CostcoWineBlog.com Rating: 91 points (a Costco Wine Blog Top Pick)
Costco item number: 1491800
Purchased at Costco in: Atlanta, GA (Kennesaw, GA)
Alc. 14.5%
Debbie Shahvar says
No sign of smoke taint? I’ve avoiding all 2020 Napa Cabs because of it.
Editor says
We’re not getting any but it’s in the back of our minds when tasting.
David says
@Debbie Shahvar -- 2020 Beau Vigne "Cult" showed up at Houston Costco for $29.99. I had the same fear of smoke taint, so bought one bottle to test it. I bought a bunch more and the 11 that we've consumed have all been fine.
I've had some other random bottles of 2020 Napa wines and don't remember any issues with them either. I know a lot of wineries scrapped their 2020 production, which means Gallo and the other volume producers probably got a bunch of Napa grapes for cheap and blended them off.
Coincidentally, I was in Napa during the 2020 fires for my annual vacation there. Interesting trip between the 105 degree temps, Covid protocol, and the fires.
Mitch L says
This, and the current release of the Kirkland Rioja, are among the best wine values out there. Thank you, Costco!
Editor says
Navin S says
Glad to hear that this is maintaining the quality. I picked up 6 bottles last week hoping that would be the case. Haven’t tasted yet.
Also got the last 5 bottles at our Henrico, VA Costco, of the 2021 Kirkland Signature Chateauneuf du Pape. I’m waiting for your take on that one. I have enjoyed previous vintages, so grabbed these when I saw them.
Editor says
Let us know what you think on both. Still looking for the CDP. Went to two stores the other day with no luck.
Navin S says
Just tasted the 2021 Kirkland CDP, and am happy to share that it is delicious! I feel it is a darker ruby color, but the same berry flavors are evident. The varietal mix is the same as the 2020. The alcohol % goes back down to 15% unlike the 2020 & 2019. But overall a substantial and tasty wine.
Editor says
Love to hear that. thanks for the info. Hope we can find it soon.
Art Z says
@Navin S, got the 2021 CDP today in the Memphis store. Actually @$18.99. No sign of Suscol Cab here yet.
Kathy Strautz says
Where can you find a Costco who had this
Editor says
Best way without visiting a store is to call your local Costco and ask if they have the item number which is at the end of the review. Saves you a trip.
Eric says
FYI - The price of the Suscol cab is actually $17.99 at my local store in Washington State, which suggests that there may be regional pricing differences.
Editor says
Bill Harrod says
@Eric, In NC I found the same thing, the price was $17.99
Steve says
It was $22.99 in Ohio. I still grabbed a couple to try.
David says
@Eric, price differences could have something to do with state alcohol taxes.
Andrew Jacobs says
@Eric, it's also $17.99 at the Costco in Huntington Beach, CA.
Henry says
Thanks to @Navin S for the heads up regarding the CDP - found it today along with this Cab and the Rioja. That's a Kirkland trifecta! And I got my auto tires rotated to boot (that was the excuse to shop).
Regarding the Chateauneuf du Pape, I had to check as apparently I have been hoarding these. I have back to 2014 successively, and a spare 2011 hanging out in the cellar. Time to start opening them! Needless to say I won't be trying out the 2021 anytime soon but look forward to hearing what others (that can find it) think.
Editor says
That should be a fun wine exploration. Our oldest Kirkland bottle in the cellar is ‘10 Pauillac. Wish they still made that one.
Mark says
It used to be that when I got notice of a posting (email), it would have the name of the wine in the subject line. Since February, the subject line is just "New from Costco Wine Blog". I archive the email in a folder and it used to be easy to go back and find a wine quickly. Any reason for the change?
Your blog is great and much appreciated, by the way.
Editor says
Yes. We were having an e-mail issue and our email provider was duplicating emails and not sending the latest posts. You might remember when that was happening a few months ago.
We reconfigured a few things and now it seems to be good but the customized subject line is something we couldn’t figure out.
Appreciate the feedback and we never thought about people using it for search like that. So we’ll see if we can’t figure something out.
Marcus says
Found this Napa yesterday in Glenview IL, bought a few btls on your recommendation- had one last night - excellent wine for then money. As other people have mentioned on this thread - it was 17.99 here too.
Bob says
$22.99 at Costco in Liberty Township in Cincinnati. $17.99 in Florence KY! That's a major price difference! Ohio taxes suck! Was worth the drive to Florence to snag a case. The wine prices at the new Costco in Liberty Township are much higher than the store used to be in Springdale that was recently closed up.