We love finding new wines from new producers in the Pinot section, and here is an interesting one that caught our eye.
This is from Oregon's Chehalem Mountains, southwest of Portland, near the mecca of Oregon Pinot. And we're big fans of this area, not only because we are UO Duck alum, but the Pinot just gets better and better.

This wine has 90+ point scores from every critic across multiple vintages. Retail price is around $35, so Costco bringing this in at $19.99 is amazing. The wine itself is delicious as well, just what we hoped for.
It pours a medium ruby in the glass with aromas of spice with red and dark fruit fruit; it is medium in body with flavors of cherry, blueberry and cranberry; elegant with good depth and a big finish.
Really a joy to drink, and we shared this with some other friends who are Pinot lovers who instantly fell in love as well.
This is definitely a producer we will seek out, and we hope to see future vintages continue to hit Costco stores. They also produce a number of other Pinots and Chardonnay that we would love to explore.
91 points in our book, and a great addition to our Top Picks list.
CostcoWineBlog.com Rating: 91 points (a Costco Wine Top Pick)
Costco item number: 1215307
Alc. 14.1%
Les Kangas says
Where did you find the Dopp Creek? I live in Portland and have been buying this for three years through local stores and at winery for more money. Great wines
Editor says
Atlanta area Costco
Fred McTaggart says
I looked for it, couldn't find it at Costco in Kalamazoo, MI. I have had Colene Clemens Pinots several times and have visited the winery. Excellent wines.
Fred McTaggart says
It's not available yet at my local Costco (Kalamazoo, MI). I have had Colene Clemens Pinots several times and visited the winery. Excelent wines.
Craig Fredrickson says
Can any of these wines be purchased online thru the Costco membership as some wine sections at local Costcos are not well stocked.
Josh says
@Craig Fredrickson, no
Josh says
Heads up - Sandy Springs (GA) has both 2020 and 2021; you can do a vertical.
But it’s gone “asterisk” - they’re moving on from it.