When looking for value buys in the Costco wine aisle, some of our favorite finds are the small displays of random Bordeaux bottles that wedge in between other wines in the "cheap seats" (meaning the aisles of stacked wine, not wooden boxes).
If you browse through our French review pages, you can find quite a few of these. They are almost always under $10, usually highly rated and we find them to be pretty good more often than not.

We found this one in the cheap seats for $6.99 and it fit the bill across the board, boasting a 91 point score from Wine Enthusiast. We were curious what this could deliver for $7.
In the glass the wine is a dark ruby and just screams Bordeaux off the nose with earthy, barnyard aromas; there's a good combination of red and dark fruit, mostly dark, black cherry, blackberry, anise; the wine is dusty and dry, opening up more after a little air.
Overall, we felt it was a pretty simple wine, but a good one at that. Maybe a tad one dimensional but with basic Bordeaux character throughout.
For Bordeaux fans looking for value, try a bottle and see if it's your jam. For lovers of big juicy California cabs, this might be a little earthy and rustic, but for $7 it's also not a bad way to experience new things. We're happy we tasted it, but probably wouldn't come back for more.
CostcoWineBlog.com Rating: 86 points
Costco item number: 1638312
Purchased at Costco in: Atlanta, GA (Dallas, GA)
Alc. 14%
kevin mahon says
Any time I see earthy barnyard aromas in the description, I am disappointed.
I did buy a bottle and agree it was much better after sitting for an hour in the decanter as opposed to tasting it when first opened.
Debbie Shahvar says
Love your reviews. As I read the WineEnthusiast review it says this wine is crunchy. What does that mean? I’ve never heard a wine described that way. Hoping you can provide some insight.
Debbie Shahvar
Editor says
can't say for sure, that's an interesting one
Maurice Richard says
I really like and appreciate your blog, I know that the wines that you evaluate are purchase at the Atlanta Costco therefore a big possibility that my Costco might not have the same wines but it brings me to the Signature label. is there a way to know the extent of their avalibility of them the wharehouse distribution or to who at are locsl store we could ask if they will have them or might order them so we can enjoy them after your grading.
Good work 👍
Editor says
Hi Maurice, and glad you enjoy the site.
I really wish there was a way to tell which stores carried what wines.
We include the item number at the end of every review, and often times readers will call their store and ask if they carry it by item number. Others use Costco.com chat to inquire.
Not ideal I know, but those are the main ways I've heard from readers. Otherwise, it's like anything else at Costco...part of the "Costco Hunt"
Johnny says
I love old world flavors and low residual sugar, so this is an amazing wine and value for me. Costco wine buyers are great at finding these European "country" wines that drink like a much better pedigree appellation. BTW, I'm down the road from you and shop at Cumberland.
Samantha says
Here we go, can’t wait to get a big ole taste of barnyard fruit flavor! Yee yaw, wee wee!
Thanks for the review for a quick yes or no on this find in Indiana!