A unique red blend of California-sourced grapes made by Tuck Beckstoffer who continues to impress with these reasonably priced big reds that he distributes to Costco. This one was $19.79 and follows a chain of winners including the Amulet and the Melee Red.
This wine is comprised of 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Petite Syrah and 10% Syrah, so it's fruit forward on the nose and on the initial taste, then mid-palate becomes a little more spicy and dry. Flavors of blueberry and dark fruits combine nicely; feels great in the mouth. I can't remember the last time I had this blend, but it works in this package. Give it a shot, as well as his Amulet and Melee (both of which I think are still at my Costcos in the $25 range). CostcoWineBlog.com Rating: 89 Points Costco item number: 505449 |